{Blaxis Mundi} a Poetic and Rhythmic Journey of Black Voices new music Feb 19 Written By Mystery Sound Recordings {BLAXIS MUNDI} arranged by The Africonduit by The Africonduit J-Who? Worldwise inhabits the role of the Africonduit in this eclectic mix of sound and experience. Available for free download on Bandcamp. “Sonic expressions of the intersection of the pain and joy of Black life on Earth, and the grace and free will to choose our path to freedom offered by the heavens. Our culture is the Africonduit where the transcendent and the immanent hold hands.” — The Africonduit j-whoblaxis mundimixfreenew music Mystery Sound Recordings
{Blaxis Mundi} a Poetic and Rhythmic Journey of Black Voices new music Feb 19 Written By Mystery Sound Recordings {BLAXIS MUNDI} arranged by The Africonduit by The Africonduit J-Who? Worldwise inhabits the role of the Africonduit in this eclectic mix of sound and experience. Available for free download on Bandcamp. “Sonic expressions of the intersection of the pain and joy of Black life on Earth, and the grace and free will to choose our path to freedom offered by the heavens. Our culture is the Africonduit where the transcendent and the immanent hold hands.” — The Africonduit j-whoblaxis mundimixfreenew music Mystery Sound Recordings